Friday, February 24, 2012

Bonding in a Digital World

I’ve spent the last month hoping that some big idea for a blog post would pop into my head.  Last year I was able to average three or four a month.  They were nothing great, but I figured that the more I blogged, the better I’d get at it.  December was a whirlwind and then in January I figured that I was still recovering from December, but now February is almost gone, and I have to admit that the only way I am going to get out of this rut and back into a more productive rut is to just post something.

It would appear that part of my problem is time management.  I work full time, and when I am not at work I am on the computer hanging out with my family and friends on social media.   It is amazing how much time I’m spending with some of my family online and learning things I am sure I’d not learn otherwise.  I am learning a whole new way to be with my kids too.  So far, they have been pretty tolerant of me chiming in on select conversations and even starting up a few that are tailor-made for my participation.  For example this comment and photo posted on Facebook by my eldest:

Mommy and me!
I tried to out-fierce the drag queen.
I failed miserably.
 Of course, Drag Queen Bingo might not be a typical mother/daughter event, but it was a riot and we are going back.  I can’t decide if I am trying to find new ways to stay connected with my daughter and friends, stay relevant in a changing world, or I am doing the things I was too self-conscious to do when I was younger. 

I show up on my younger daughter’s Facebook status too: 
Watching Comic Book Men with my momma = We’ll always have Kevin Smith

Salvo hopping with momma.  We’ve watched enough episodes of Intervention to where I can safely call her the enabler to my book addiction. = Who doesn’t love the 5 for $1.00 book bin at Salvation Army Thrift Store? 

Question: “What are you looking at?” Answer: “Your pictures. Then I’m going to spit in your ear.” Reaction: Chris Fecteau; World’s Best Mom. = Sometimes I just say dumb things to see if I can get a reaction.  It worked this time.

While this is amazing and fun, another bonus I really hadn’t counted on were all my new friends found through my SockMonkeysAndBacon fan page.  That will have to wait until another time.  Woo hoo!  I may be back on track AND I have an idea for another blog.  Life doesn’t get much better than that in my world.
The Butcher