Tuesday, January 24, 2012

10 Guilty Pleasures – Entertainment Edition

 I like to pretend I am one classy dame, but really, my tastes are pretty low-brow.  In no particular order, here are my 10 entertainment guilty pleasures.  The main reason I feel bad about these is that I seem to be dragging my kids and even my husband down with me.

Walking Dead - Dear Lord,  but I love zombies.  I wish I could pretend they represent something finer - perhaps our numb consumer culture - but I can't.  This was an amazingly compelling show and I can't wait until it comes back in February.  Not for the squeamish. 

Toddlers and Tiaras' Makenzie

Toddlers and Tiaras - It took me awhile to warm up to this, but I am hooked.  Yes, some of the parents are vile, but if you look closely enough at most organized kid's competitions, I suspect you'll see much of the same.  Manyt of the kids act like kids despite their parent's best efforts, and they are usually the contestants that prevail.  

Hoarders and Hoarding Buried Alive - Both of these address similar issues, and I must admit I'm a little uncomfortable when they emphasize the freak show aspects of some of their subjects, but nothing else will get me clearing the clutter like this show.  I must admit that I like to hang on to things, and I find myself using some of the show's strategies for parting with treasures I don't really need.

American Horror Story - If you haven't seen this show, might I suggest it for Jessica Lange's performance as the worst neighbor ever?  This was a fabulous, creepy ghost story that actually came full circle in a most satisfying way.

Green Day's Billie Joe Armstrong
Green Day - I don't want to be sixteen again, but it is so nice that I can listen to these guys and remember what is was like so vividly.  I took my kids to see them live and we even drove to New York to see "American Idiot" on Broadway.  Both my daughters were kind enough to humor me both times, and for that I am grateful.  It probably helped that I paid for their tickets.

The Soup - I don't have to watch even more crappy TV than I do because Joel McHale boils it all down for me in easy half hour doses.  He provides a true public service.

Fashion Police - Yes Joan Rivers is mean, but she is so very funny.  Even my husband will watch this with us.

Chuck Palahniuk - I'm probably a bad mom for letting my daughter read him in high school, and his subject matter can be off-putting to put it mildly, but you cannot deny the man's talent and abilities.  If you have only seen the movie "Fight Club", might I suggest you read the book.  If you liked the movie, I promise you that the book will blow you away. 

Celebrity Biographies - The cheesier the better, I love them all.

Entertainment Weekly - This is the one magazine the whole family reads, if for no other reason than the bullseye on the back page.  It is the magazine equivalent of eating Twinkies.

How about you?  What is your guilty entertainment pleasure?  I can keep a secret!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Jumping into a New Year

It has been far too long since my last post.  Sorry about that, but Christmas has a way of doing that to me.  Rather than writing a long post, I am going to ease back in with some pictures of what I did over my Christmas vacation.  My family usually hosts a Christmas day get-together, and since I don’t get anything done unless I have a looming deadline, I talked my husband into putting in a drop ceiling in the basement so we would have room for more tables so that the 30 to 40 people we were expecting could sit down.  We enlisted the help of a brother who had done this before, but it ended up involving the construction of some walls and the installation of some doors.  Yes, I was still painting Christmas Eve, but it got done and we all had a great time.

Cabinets, counter, and door from the house
we demolished.  Grandma's fridge.
My favorite part about the remodel is that we were able to use a lot of recycled and reused materials to build a spot that will serve as my new work area the rest of the year.  

A refurbished door from upstairs, repurposed scrap masonite panels, and excess trim from our home installation.

A coat of paint on the concrete walls and two tables purchased from the local elementary school for $5 each.  The aren't exactly pretty, but they do the job.

Some old canvas' repainted as a backdrop and I now have a place to shoot items for listing online.  What a luxury!


At last, a place for my yarn stash!

My next plan is to find a home for the contents of all the boxes with my name on them.  They will either be kept, donated, sold or trashed.  Anything I keep, I will use.  Now that I have a dedicated place to shoot photos for eBay and Etsy, I can bring some of my dormant photo skills into play and make my exposures and color balances consistant.  I did a test run today, and I must say, things went pretty well.
Now that I’ve broken the ice, I hope to get back in the swing of regularly blogging.  I also can't wait to get back to reading all my usual blogs that I’ve been neglecting.  Thanks for your patience, especially if you’ve sent me a comment and I’ve not replied.  It is on my to-do list.  I promise!
The Butcher